21st Century Schizoid Band


T�tulo: Live in Italy
Ano de Lançamento: 2003
Gravadora: Label n�o informado
N�mero de cat�logo:

Schizoid Intro 00:02:00
A Man A City 00:08:36
Let There be Light 00:03:26
In the Court of the Crimson King 00:07:53
Ladies of the Road 00:07:10
Improv - Sailor's Tale 00:11:55
Birdman 00:04:40
21st Century Schizoid Man 00:08:41
Catley's Ashes 00:07:06
Ian McDonald Saxes, Flute, Reeds, Keyboards, Guitars, Vocals
Mel Collins Saxes, Flute, Keys & Backing Vocals
Jakko Jakszyk Guitar, Vocal
Peter Giles Bass, Backing Vocals
Ian Wallace drums, keyboards, vocals